Taking On Another’s Burdens

At the Frisco Baptist Associational Prayer Conference last night at First Baptist of Hugo, Oklahoma, I heard Dr. Hance Dilbeck, Pastor of Quail Springs Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, share a message from Nehemiah 1:1-11, and it focused on ensuring our prayers aren’t focused solely on ourselves, which happens almost instinctually.

In the passage, we see that Nehemiah, a man in a prominent position and without want, had a heart to reach out for the burden of others. His petition in that chapter shows a mind set more on what’s best for God and His people than himself. Overall, Dr. Dilbeck shared a direct word that spoke to many.

I simply ask: when you pray, what’s it for? Is it solely about you? Those you know close to you? Do you pray only about circumstances that affect you personally? Prayer should be much more than that. We must actively seek to broaden our prayer lives, and that begins by refocusing priorities. Will you do that today?

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